Robson House has a range of policies and other documents that explain and guide what we do (as set out in DfE guidance). You can access some of these by clicking on the titles below:
PE and Physical Activity Policy
Schools Flexible Working Policy
Special Educational Needs Policy
The full list of the required policies and documents that we hold is as follows:
A. Statutory policies required by education legislation
- Capability of staff
- School behaviour
- Sex education
- Teacher appraisal
B. Statutory policies required by other legislation, which impact particularly on schools
- Data protection
- Health and safety
C. Other statutory documents
- Accessibility plan
- Behaviour principles written statement
- Central record of recruitment and vetting checks
- Freedom of Information
- Minutes of, and papers considered at, meetings of the governing body and its committees
- Premises management documents
- Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication
- Register of pupils’ admission to school
- Register of pupils’ attendance
- Staff discipline, conduct and grievance (procedures for addressing)
- Schools financial value standard (SFVS) checklist
D. Documents referenced in statutory guidance
- Child protection policy and procedures
- Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions
Not all of the documents listed above are public documents. If would would like to obtain a copy of any of the documents that are not available to download here, please email to allow us to consider your request.
You can find our Privacy Notice, which explains how we collect and use pupil information, here.