Robson House

What do our school leaders do to make sure that all children feel welcome, feel included and achieve their potential?

Darryl Jones, our Head of School, has overall responsibility for SEND and inclusion. This means that we regularly discuss SEND issues in the Leadership Team meetings. We keep support for children with SEND under review. Darryl is a Chartered Educational Psychologist. Robson House also has a full time SENDCO; together they coordinate planning of the programmes of support for individuals and small groups of pupils with SEND. Robson House keeps a profile of children we identify as having a SEN and/or a disability. We also keep a record of all the different ways that we provide extra support (for example, support for reading, communication and number) for children with SEND.

We carefully monitor the progress and well-being of children with SEND and the quality of our provision, including teaching and support. For example senior leaders observe lessons and hold discussions with teachers and support staff.

If something is not working well, we change and improve our provision. We describe these changes in our School Improvement Plan

The Management Committee challenges us to make sure we constantly improve the quality of provision for children with SEND and the outcomes that they achieve.

We have a Management Committee member, Elaine Dunning, who takes a particular responsibility for SEND matters. She meets with our SENDCo once a term and makes visits to classrooms looking at learning and teaching. She reports termly to the full Management Committee.

We fully involve our Management Committee when we review and revise our SEND policy at the end of each school year.

If a child’s level of need is becoming higher, parents can work with the school and request an assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

You can find more details about assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) on the Camden local Offer website:

The government has published a useful guide for parents on the new SEND Code of Practice: see page 22 onwards.

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