Robson House

How do we review your child’s progress?

The process of assessment and support at Robson House takes into account the fact that strategies may need time to effect change. However a guiding principle is that any strategy should begin to demonstrate a positive impact within six weeks.

1)      Termly Review: At the end of each week a multi-disciplinary meeting is held to allow more in-depth discussion of the overall progress of one of pupils. This cycle of review ensures that each pupil’s Integrated Plan is reviewed on a termly basis. The termly review is the forum at which progress in learning and behaviour is evaluated to determine whether new targets need to be set and/or new strategies adopted. The Interactive Factors Framework (IFF) is used to generate hypotheses about emerging behaviours and responses to intervention. This is also the forum where the initial group discussion of new pupils takes place in order to explore case formulations about pupils and develop strategies to support them. The educational psychologist, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, speech and language therapist and social worker contribute to these discussions. The termly review considers the following information:

a)      Academic progress identified by means of detailed teacher assessments.

b)      Overall success in meeting behaviour targets as identified from the collated data from the Pupil Target Log.

c)       Trends and patterns illustrated by the Pupil Target Log.

d)      Information recorded in the Daily Behaviour Record.

e)      Re-assessment using the Behaviour Assessment framework (informed by the information recorded on the Pupil Target Log).

f)       Views of the pupil about their learning and behaviour.

g)      Views of the parent or carer about their child’s learning and behaviour.

h)      Updates from other professionals involved.

i)        Any other new information received by the Robson House team.

2)      Annual Review of Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP): this meeting is similar to the termly review, but is focussed more specifically on the objectives set out in the child’s EHCP. A representative of the Local Authority’s Special Educational Needs and Psychology Service is invited.

3)      Emergency Review: When a pupil’s behaviour and/or emotional well-being continues to cause very significant concern (or shows rapid deterioration) despite existing support, an emergency review is convened. The information considered is the same as in the scheduled termly review, and decisions are made about what new targets need to be set and/or new strategies adopted, including the involvement of other agencies not currently involved (e.g. Social Care / CAMHS). This forum is also used for an Interim Review of a pupil’s EHCP when a change of placement is being considered.

4)      Transition Review: When a pupil’s progress in terms of social, emotional and mental health development suggests that his or her needs may be met within a mainstream school, a review is convened. This review is intended both to make an informed judgement regarding the likelihood of successful re-integration and (if agreed) to plan for this. If the pupil does not have an EHCP, and a place is not available at the school preferred by the parent(s)/carer(s), this may involve use of the Fair Access Protocol. A similar process is followed for those pupils who are moving into special provision. In this case, however, the transition review constitutes a Review of a pupil’s EHCP (since a change of placement is being considered) and the decision about placement rests with the Local Authority’s Special Educational Needs and Psychology Service. In either case, the focus of this review is to develop a Transition Plan and the information gathered is used as part of the Information Passport that is passed to the new school, whether this is to a mainstream or a special school.

We will arrange a meeting with parents of children with SEND about how well s/he has progressed: we will agree new targets and sometimes different ways of supporting, for example, a small reading group with a trained member of staff.

We make sure that parents/carers know the next steps for learning for their child.

We will report formally once a year on the progress of all children, including those with SEND and for some pupils we will provide more frequent reports.


Q. What should I do if I am worried about how my child is progressing and how often will I be able to discuss my child’s progress?

  • Staff are always available to talk at the end of the school day. You will also be able to meet your child’s Class Teacher each term at the parent consultation meetings. We will also invite you to a meeting once a term to discuss your child’s progress. If you have concerns and worries about your child at any time please contact your child’s class teacher and we will arrange a meeting to discuss these concerns. We can also respond to particular questions over the phone or by email if you would find this helpful.

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